Thursday, August 29, 2019

Blinded By The Light

Word. Or more accurately, words. It appears that I seem to be full of…wait for it…words. “You writers are so full of words,” as Adriana tells Gil in “Midnight in Paris.” 

Hence, my reaction to Herr Gropenfuhrer’s outburst against American Jews who vote Democratic as being disloyal was puzzling in a “say what?” sort of way. Is he crazy? Guess I just answered my own question. I thought I better check in with Ramona Vallindaklopf, who has been tracking the demented tyrant at the G7 summit in France. Plus, I love her wit, and her sense of humor.

JM: “Hi, Ramona. I was compelled to call.”

RV: “Back so soon, JM? You must like me.”

JM: (mildly blushing) “Well, yes. I had to inquire about your thoughts concerning Herr Gropenfuhrer’s bizarre strategy of characterizing the Jewish faithful in America as traitors.”

RV: “Clearly he has one foot in a bucket and the other in his mouth, not to mention the fact that his suits are ill-fitting.”

JM: “Yes, I noticed. I couldn’t help to think of St. Paul, another antagonist struck down by a protagonist, in this case, God.”

RV: “Clearly, he's a lemming with a death wish. Unwittingly sparking a renaissance among the Jewish people who have not forgotten about the Holocaust, he confuses anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. He’s devoted to the Israeli right. But few Jews want to move to Israel. They like it right here, thank you very much. His ill-conceived approach stings the Hebrew faithful in this country severely.”

JM: “Let’s see. He’s insulted African Americans, Muslim Americans, Hispanic Americans and American Jews. Am I missing anybody?”

RV: “Well, yes. Women. He’s toast in 2020.”

JM: “Agreed. It’s high time we elected a woman president. They will restore order in this country.”

RV: “One key difference between St. Paul and Herr Gropenfuhrer.”

JM: “Yeah? What’s that?”

RV: “St. Paul made amends for his error. Herr Gropenfuhrer won't.”

JM: “Nice analogy, Ramona. I’ll check in with you later.”

RV: “Buonasera, amico mio.”

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