Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Three Sisters: Faith, Hope And Charity

Throughout most of the length of the Cascade Range, large volcanic peaks are generally spaced about 40-80 miles apart, allowing each mountain to reign visually over a wide domain. In Central Oregon, however, the usual pattern is broken: a cluster of closely grouped volcanoes creates an impressively crowded skyline.

As a Boy Scout in the early to mid-60s in Troop 138 at Ascension Catholic Grade School in Portland, Oregon, our scoutmasters took us on an extended hiking/camping experience from McKenzie Pass along the Obsidian Trail on the west side of the Sisters to South Sister and down to the Cascade Lakes Highway at Devil's Lake.

Much later, we were about to begin a new EWEB headquarters building along the Eugene riverfront. Along with several other of my mates, including some members of The Committee, we served on numerous utility task forces, including one to develop a new logo for EWEB. Despite some resistance, the design prevailed.

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