Friday, January 14, 2022

Swan Song

After four years as Public Relations Director at McKenzie-Willamette Hospital in Springfield, Oregon in the early 1980s, I was hired by Eugene Water & Electric Board, where I would work in public relations for the next 24 years.

But I loved my time at the hospital, and as editor of the employee newsletter, I wrote my last issue and said good-bye. The headline read: "News Capsule Editor Says Arrivaderci; It's Been Great." 

"This a note of thanks to all the folks who are part of the McKenzie-Willamette Hospital family. You've all been great to work with in my time here. Since this is my last edition of News Capsule, I'd like to leave you with a few thoughts."

"Continue to support and nominate your fellow employees for Employee of the Month. They work hard and deserved the recognition. And continue to submit items to the News Capsule. Remember that a key to a productive and enjoyable working environment is communication."

"And finally, thank you all  for your goodwill and patience. You've been a great crew to work with and I will miss you. Please continue to suggest items of interest to the News Capsule. Thanks again. Sincerely, John Mitchell."

This article was followed by two of my favorite features of the News Capsule: Blooper Brigade and Quote of the Week.

Blooper Brigade

The hunt is still on for the person who wrote this headline: "Deer Kill 130,000." (Well, maybe it was time Bambi got even!)

You might think this headline writer went a bit off course: "Indian Ocean Talks." (No doubt some deep secrets were revealed.)

Quote of the Week

"One of the great maladies of our time is the way sophistication seems to be valued over common sense." -- Norman Cousins.