Monday, March 9, 2020

Lightning Rod Of The Cascades

Unique to the Oregon Cascades is a series of high pinnacles whose sheer pointed summits remind travelers of Switzerland's Matterhorn. Two of these spires can be seen from almost anywhere along the rim of Crater Lake, Union Peak (7,698 feet) to the south and Mt. Thielsen (9,178 feet) to the north. Along with various and sundry members of The Committee, I have climbed the peak twice, both from the easy side.

The climbing is very good from Diamond Lake, until you reach "chicken point." From there, its a free climb with good hand holds to the summit. On top, it's evident why Mt. Thielsen is call the "Lightning Rod Of The Cascades." Strikes dot the surface, leaving a random pattern of volcanic glass. It's kinda creepy on top. You must hunker.

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