Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Vile Vitriol

Editor's note: Admittedly, I couldn't help myself. The juxtaposition of two articles in The Echo begged for a retort. 

To the editor:

When my copy of this week’s (November 7) Leavenworth Echo arrived, I immediately noted the Veteran’s Day Salute, including an admiring tribute to Bill Cowles, a local Vietnam veteran, written by fellow veteran Bill Forhan, editor of The Echo.

Unfortunately, the warm feelings generated by the piece dissipated almost as immediately when I saw the vile vitriol spewing from a letter to the editor written by -- you guessed it -- Bill Cowles, castigating other letter writers for being “stupid” and “idiotic.”

Do you like apples, Mr. Cowles? The Tea Party in this country has just been vanquished (some would say swallowed whole) by “the changing face of America.” How do you like those apples?

Perhaps Mr. Forhan should hire Cowles as a staff editorial writer. He’s already in The Echo nearly every week. On the other hand, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

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