Monday, November 23, 2020

Hindsight Is 2020

Pianist Tom Lehrer released an album entitled "That Was The Year That Was," a live recording containing satiric topical songs covering the news in 1965. The popularity of his songs outlasted their subjects. "Always predict the worst and you'll be hailed as a prophet," he noted.

As predicted in the Chinese zodiac, the "Year of the Rat" (2020) has been one for the books. The coronavirus has become an international pandemic, killing more that 250,000 Americans and over one million others worldwide. At this writing, over 60 million humans have been contaminated.

A cousin in Isolona, Liguria in Northern Italy notes: "We are in very bad shape with the infection, and the hospitals are full. This wave is worse that the first. Let's hope this bad period ends soon. We must have faith in science. Blessings to you and your family. We shall stay in touch."

A friend who lives nearby in Rapollo, Liguria describes a grim situation: "here, things are falling apart. Contagions increase exponentially and we continue with lockdowns. What is worrisome is that the winter is too long to hope that the emergency can be stopped soon. I hope you are all well."

Meanwhile, we have been obliged to face an election year like no other, pitting a wannabe autocrat with no experience, along with his minions, against a veteran politician with years of experience in the U.S. Senate and eight years as Vice-President of the United States.

Herr Gropenfuhrer, as he's come to be known in the GonzoPR blog, certainly has his fans nationally, but the sitting president has show little interest in exhibiting signs of leadership or resolve to address the coronavirus pandemic facing the country.

But good news is on the horizon. As we move into 2021, the "Year of the Ox," signs are evident that we're rounding the curve. On November 3, former Vice-President Joe Biden decisively defeated Herr Gropenfuhrer in the election for President of the United States for the next four years.

Meanwhile, Herr Gropenfuhrer continues to challenge the results, a defeated despot barricaded in his bunker like Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane, sequestered at Xanadu, his dilapidated pleasure palace. He needs to just recognize that Joe Biden winning is actually the best outcome for him.

And there are other signs of hope on the horizon to address the health and welfare if the world as well. At least three pharmaceutical companies have developed vaccines to address the international pandemic with an anticipated rollout December and the first quarter of 2021.

On a positive note, 2020 has turned out to be a productive year for many associated with the GonzoPR enterprise. Because of lockdowns and social distancing required by the pandemic, writers, artists and creatives of all types have focused on their projects and have produced stellar works.

In terms of home improvement projects, we've been able to accomplish quite a bit during this past year of lockdowns and social distancing: new flooring for the home, a new roof for the little hut (below) at the Owl Conservancy and time to complete a number of writing projects and yard maintenance.

Finally, the nation has spoken about removing the toxic enterprise occupying the White House. The president-elect is the perfect individual to lower the temperature in this country and, most importantly, concentrating on a cure for the deadly coronavirus sweeping the world.

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